6:32 PM

Thoughts and Timeline is a small project of mine to enable and “justify” my growing passion for travel and photography.

I recently discovered that I may be needing another hardrive and that my SD card is already failing on me… This is a confirmation that this passion of mine is costing me some bucks.

On the other hand, my experiences that brought me blistered toes, sunburned face, tattered Chucks among others… is far much greater. It gave me a new perspectives that I have never thought before. I got rid of several biases and welcomed new ideas.  

The liberating feeling of exploring a new place, meeting people, discovering the local cuisine… these and more is a continuous learning experience for me.

"In stillness... I move". I live by this mantra.

I used to be preoccupied with work and worries that consumed me. They say I am good at what I do because I was a perfectionist. I lived by the book and by the rule until one day I decided to walked away…after completing my final assignment. I decided to move slowly.

This blog is an experiment. A social and personal experiment. I call it my baby project. In here I will document my past experiences in travels and adventures even some misadventure and my everyday mundane things that I love and hate.

This is my world, my thoughts and timeline….

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